Gene Deer con poesie di Daniela Cerrato.

Infrango il tacito patto, infatti la rubrica Gioielli Rubati non include brani miei o di Daniela Cerrato, dunque oggi la derubo un po’ io.

Un foglio racconta
Un foglio bianco
raccoglie il pigolare
che stanzia sui tetti,
piazza di racconto
al centro e ai bordi,
spazio vuoto che resta
per ragionare silenzi,
in parentesi tonde
coriandoli di festa,
apostrofi e accenti
se opportuni. Qualche
ghirigoro per ricordare
che anche un foglio
è cuore, sa esser bambino.
Acqua terra e luce
Incisioni d’una lapide solitaria
riapparse a vista dopo la pioggia,
lacrime tardive han rimosso l’oblio
ridestando un nome emarginato.
L’identità si ripresenta
vestita di foglie gialle cucite a pietra
“eccomi son sempre qui – pare dica –
non scordate che esisto e resisto
tra le pieghe del tempo a dimora,
da tanto non coglievo attenzione
non posso dirvi quanto mi rincuora”

Il tuo Es (a un’amica)

Prova a non sopprimere per una volta
quella  parte di te che sempre fuggi
gradita o sgradita ti potrà apparire
ma non potrai di continuo oscurare
ciò che agli occhi altrui talvolta appare
non cercar pretesto, osserva l’ombra
che vive interagisce alberga in te
guarda il suo volto  ascoltane la voce
almeno per una volta non deluderla
asseconda il suo desiderio primario
chissà che tu non abbia sempre eluso
volontariamente la tua parte migliore.
Sotto edicole di sospiri
sostano silenzi accomodanti
attese mai lasciate sole,
sui fianchi crescono rose
minute e profumate, bottoni
che aperti spogliano a vista
l’anima, offerta nuda
a mani ausiliatrici.
Benedici labbra adoranti
martiri del morso in entrata,
una scossa in scia vertebrale
apostola di eterno desiderio
spinge a declinare amore
nella forma meno grammaticale.
Nessun rituale è più dolce
del solleticare un fiore
appena schiuso alla vita.



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11 pensieri su “Gene Deer con poesie di Daniela Cerrato.

  1. Uno stile poetico originale, e inconfondibile, quello di Daniela, alla ricerca di nuove prospettive di lettura degli eventi,diversificando l’impiego della parola…

  2. Neturei Karta claims that Isaiah 11:1-12 commands against and forbids a Jewish State? The flaw of this notion, first and foremost, the Books of the Prophets command mussar. This mussar does not overrule Torah commandments. Another basic flaw of Neturei Karta theology, these “rabbis” simply do not know how to learn. A basic כלל which Beit Hillel taught, learn the פרט in context with the כלל. The verses which Neturei Karta claims supports their vocal opposition, its taken out of context from the NaCH sugiot. ישעיה יא: א – יב: ו. Christian theology attempts to prove their religious opinions by taking verses out of context from the sub-chapters (sugiot) which hold the specific verse they use as proof of their schools of opinions. But rabbinic tradition does not follow Xtian methodologies. Torah scholarship interprets the T’NaCH through total reliance upon the Oral Torah (middot) logic system, and only the Oral Torah (middot) logic system. Xtianity denies the existence of the Oral Torah. Neturei Karta scholarship follows in the path which church theologians established. The study of the Books of the Prophets most essentially requires making a comparison between similar sugiot. This “measured/middot comparison” defines how Oral Torah learns a depth analysis made upon both T’NaCH and Talmud! In basic English literature college courses, this discipline of scholastic learning goes by the title of: Compare and Contrast.

    Compare ישעיה יז:א – יט:טו – The metaphor of a lion laying down with a lamb and eating grass as do sheep serves as a metaphor. The נמשל interpretation to this משל of poetic license, Israel – unlike the nations – suffers total military defeat and exile, but Israel returns and restores its home rule after g’lut destroyed the nation from off the face of the earth. Wonder and amazement at such a great miracle, the restoration of the Jewish state compares to a child playing with cobras!

    Great and mighty empires destroyed the Jewish State in the past. The Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, and Roman empires; the USSR and the British empire etc none of these empires having once fallen in defeat has ever returned and restored the past glory of those dead empires.

    The Haftorah read on the concluding day of Pesach employs the משל metaphor of ישעיה, by which Neturei Karta denounces the Jewish state. Why did HaShem take Israel out of Egypt? HaShem swore a brit oath that the chosen Cohen seed of Avraham would descend unto g’lut, and from there HaShem would take them, and bring Israel unto the oath sworn lands. The order of Rashi tefillen, stands upon the oath sworn at Gilgal in the days of the prophet יהושע, just as HaShem judged and made war upon the Gods of Egypt, so too HaShem pledged to judge and conduct war upon the Gods of Canaan. None the less, the nations of Canaan did not just mystically disappear and vanish during the lifetime of יהושע. Yet Neturei Karta theology proclaims that they own possess the sole monopoly upon the “truth”; that the coming of some mystical savior will restore the Jewish nation without the necessity of war – defines their Torah True Judaism.

    The Oral Torah defines its 8th midda, as meaning “Path”. Each person possesses a unique destiny which defines each persons’ particular life on this earth. Neturei Karta claims that its “truth” determines the destiny of all Jews. But such claims of infallibility Pope Pius XII likewise declared. Religion which seeks to impose “truth” upon others, based solely upon some theological creed of worship, directly compares to avoda zara – the tuma of the 2nd Commandment of the revelation of the Torah at Sinai.

    Neturei Karta has the dubious fame of hating the Jewish state. They, like the spies in the days of Moshe, prefer g’lut to conquering the oath sworn lands. Consequently Neturei Karta rejects all forms of Israeli nationalism. Neturei Karta denies all mussar: awareness of the finger of HaShem within our lives. G’lut Jewry, as refugee populations, most essentially has no obligation to pursue justice. But, creed of hate opposition preaches a “true salvation” theology which denies and denigrates Zionism. These pathological assimilationists prefers g’lut over the obligation to rule the oath sworn lands with justice, the יסוד upon which Moshe brought Israel out of Egypt.

    Neturei Karta rejects the idea that only within the oath sworn lands can the Cohen nation keep and observe Torah commandments, Prophetic mitzvot, and rabbinic halachot. Despite the opinions held by Reshonim authorities, like the Ramban, who taught: that observance of the commandments in g’lut, serves only the purpose that g’lut Jewry not forget Torah commandments, mitzvot, and halachot. Neturei Karta ignores the fact that Israel stands at the center of Torah scholarship. Their notions of “saved” directly compare to Xtian narishkeit.

    This theology condemns the Jewish state for fighting wars. They argue that only g’lut Jewry support keeps the Jewish state afloat. They argue that the Jewish state stands upon the threshold of economic bankruptcy. That Zionist leadership hates the Torah. They condemn the Zionist leadership for starting wars for personal benefit and profit. They denounce Zionist leadership for its failure to build the brit alliance among the Jewish people. Never does Neturei Karta even once mention in any of its literature: the tohor יסוד upon which stands the nation of Cohanim and avodat HaShem. They condemn the Jewish state for its failure to act as the savior of the Jewish people. They denounce Zionism for its “domination over the American News media.”

    They accuse Zionist leadership of bribing the rabbis and people, not to condemn the Jewish state, like as the tiny but loud minority opposition. They condemn Zionism for the lack of Reshon scholars advocating for the establishment of a Jewish state; divorced from the reality that the church outright outlawed any such public Jewish discussion of this subject, viewed as a Capital Crime made against the Church. They accuse all Zionist leadership, in all generations as being atheists. They denounce the Zionist state for attempting to replace the Jewish people. They define truth as truth, comparable to describing the color red … as red – a hamster on the treadmill, dog chasing after it’s tail – theology.

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